Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to the Grindstone

Well, I started back to work on Monday the 9th. I guess it is good to stay busy but getting up at 5:30AM to get ready before the kids are ready is for the birds. I really enjoyed getting up at 7 AM and dropping the kids off at school and not worry about having to shower first, but I think my work would have some problems with it. Going back to work was a little emotional and stressful. At times I can't explain the emotions that I feel or why, but I just don't feel myself. I guess deep down the idea or returning to normal life makes me sad and a little angry. So I guess I did not hide my emotions very well, because I was informed by my friend and SLP at work that I scared the Speech Student. Apparently I gave her the "hairy eyeball" when she said hello to me. So that made me feel real good. I guess I am not as good as an actress as I thought. I spent most of the morning grumpy and not being very friendly, but them once I realized I was scaring everybody I tried to have a different attitude. The afternoon was better and more people actually spoke to me! It is amazing what people will do when you don't look like you want to hurt them. I never did want to hurt anyone, just looked like it. Anyway getting back into work has been good and makes the days go by faster. I wish there was a way I could figure out how to work 4 days a week for 5 hours each day BUT get paid as for 40 hours. I have mentioned it to my boss a few times over the last 2 days but for some reason he does not seem as excited about it as me. Oh well, I guess I have to do the 40+ hours grind and be grateful for my job.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least when you give the hairy eyeball, you do it well! :D
