Before the Bday party Tommy competed in the Academic Olympics. He was in numbersense. It is a math competition where you have to do math in your head. You have 10 minutes to do as many of the 80 math questions. You are competing against yourself and get awarded Gold, Silver or Bronze by your score. It is VERY difficult. There were about 25 kids with one getting Gold about 6 getting Silver and the rest Bronze. Tommy did great and got Silver! He was excited. He would have loved to get Gold of course but I think he knew he did his best. It was so cute to see him nervous. He had to be there at 7:30 AM and he woke up at 6:30 AM on a Saturday and came in to see if I was ready to go! He is planning on continuing to do Numbersense until he gets a Gold and then he plans to retire! At least that is what his plan is for now. I told him that he could continue even if he got a Gold and try to get another Gold but he said,"No, that is OK I can do something else then!" I guess he just wants to prove he can do it then move on.
Well, next week holds Thanksgiving and I am cautiously approaching it. I do have a great deal to be thankful for, but I am still grieving and I am not sure how I will handle it. I guess we will know next week and I hope I handle it well!
So THAT'S why there was no birthday cake for you to bring into the office! :) He looks just adorable with all that frosting on his face! :)