Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What was I thinking?!?

Well, in my attempt to be organized and have activities planned for the family as well as trying to be more active, I tried something new. The kids and I talked about how we could be more active and decided that we would go on a walk after work/school. Sounds easy enought huh? Well, picture getting home at 6:15 during day light savings time, getting the kids ready and going for the walk. Don't forget that I have a 1 yr old and a 3 year old that thinks she is the baby. So I get the 3 year old in the stroller, the 1 year old in the hiking backpack and start to get ready. Oh wait there are 2 dogs, exercise would do them good right? Well, I can only find one lease so I take one dog, the 1 year old in the hiking backpack and the 3 year old in the stroller. Tommy decides he wants to take his scooter and Sheridan is going to "push" the stroller. It is starting to get dark so I give Rita the 1 year old a flashlight. So off we go!!!! Well, Sheridan can barley see over the stroller and Tommy is trying to have the dog pull him on the scooter. Since it is getting dark I decide we will go around the neighborhood once. This includes "the bumpy road". Now imagine that Sheridan has gotten tired of pushing the stroller, it has gotten very dark and Tommy has not faired too well with the dog pulling the scooter. So now the picture looks like Tommy pushing/carrying his scooter, Sheridan walking, Rita in the stroller and Miles in the hiking backpack. So that leaves ME carrying Miles in the hiking backpack (all 23 pounds!), ME pushing Rita in the stroller on the bumpy road, and ME walking the dog at the same time! All the while Rita is playing with the flash light so it looks more like a night club strobe light than the intended headlight and everytime a car comes I have to push the stroller onto the grass so that we don't get hit! Well, that was Monday and we didn't go Tuesday, go figure!


  1. That's awesome! I can just picture all of you guys walking down the street! I love it. I'm impressed you guys did it!

  2. hahahahaha...I seem to remember you saying "who's idea was that?" when we got out of Mr. Gatti's Pizza that one night. Too funny. I did that bumpy road by myself with Mia and it was weird enough...baby backpack, stroller, dog...you go girl!!! lol. we sure miss you and think about you several times a day. tell the kids we said HI!!!! p.s. we have that family pic of you guys and Mia can still pick out each one of you by name. Pretty cool, huh? We're gonna keep it up...
